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lost souls 永墜地獄的靈魂;墮落的人。

lost tribes

Although tae - seok and seon - hwa s behaviors of breaking into people s house are morally and legally wrong and not realistic , we , as the audience , wouldn t find them to be annoying . we know that they are not bad people and instead we would commiserate with their tragic life . their behaviors are not initiated by any evil thoughts , but it is purely a process of self - redemption , a journey to redeem their lost soul 片中seon - hwa和jaehee潛入民居的行為其實很夸張失實,而且當然是犯了法,但觀眾不會覺得離譜,相反更會對他們的遭遇產生同情,因為他們其實都是通過一些離經叛道的行為,為自己錯落的人生進行一場自我救贖。

In just four days they recorded a suite of lost soul gems and a cover of the white stripes “ fell in love with a girl “ renamed “ fell in love with a boy “ with hip - hop heavyweights the roots . the result was her debut album , the soul sessions , which came out on september 16th , 2003 to the delight of critics and to the horror or britney and her candy - pop cohorts 白人17歲唱靈魂樂有個性的小女生, 1987年4月11日出生于英國走紅于美國的喬絲史東,初見她那甜美略帶靦腆的陽光笑容,和及肩飄逸的金色長發,實在很難讓人和她那有力豐富滿縈靈魂樂感的powerful嗓音聯想在一起。

Incidentally her left ear was slightly injured that day , so she tried on the right earring only . as soon as she put it on , her right cheek shone with such radiance that exclamations burst forth from all who were present . hence , supreme master ching hai s celestial jewelry rekindles and brightens our inner light , sometimes guiding our lost souls toward seeking our origin 有一位同修試戴肯定獲勝項煉與耳環,因為事有湊巧,那天早上她的左耳有點兒小傷,所以只試戴右耳,才一試戴,右邊臉頰馬上熠熠發亮得令人嘆為觀止,所以師父的天飾是為了喚醒及提升我們內在的光,有時則為了引領失落的靈魂能發心尋求歸宿。

While the film is rooted in the cultural landscape of tsai ming - liang ' s childhood , it courageously and dispassionately follows the almost random intersections of undocumented , essentially rootless immigrants , human refuse , lost souls looking for a new life , a better future 這部片源自于導演童年的文化背景,勇敢并不帶情感的跟著偶然巧遇的無家移民、無作為的人們及迷惑的靈魂一起尋找新生活及更好的未來。

Their behaviors are not initiated by any evil thoughts , but it is purely a process of self - redemption , a journey to redeem their lost soul . what kim does is to provide an opportunity for them to revive , even though it means the sacrifice of traditional moral code 金基德以一種寵容的手段讓他們來一次非理性把道德等一切凡俗枷鎖拋諸腦后的發泄究其原因還不是出于他對小人物的關懷希望他們能夠超脫

This man inspired us with the determination and energy to work very hard to prepare for master s upcoming visit . night and day we worked distributing the sample booklets in more places to the lost souls who sincerely wanted to go back home 受到那位窮苦人士的鼓勵,我們更加努力,不分晝夜盡可能地把更多的樣書散發到更多的地方,送給那些迷落世間而誠心想回家的靈魂。

Monty ji jin hee , a muse , appears in shanghai with a mission : he yearns for a taste of genuine human emotions and puts himself out as a beacon for lost souls , drowning in the bitter sea of love 孫納周迅飾出身貧苦但志存高遠,為了生存和成功,她不擇手段,終于成為人人艷羨的大明星,成名后的她努力忘記過去,否定歲月的全部痕跡。

It is a documentary of the subway , chinatown , a city of lost souls , of cultural identities , of the difficult and different lives of chinese immigrants 這部紀錄片不僅描繪了紐約的燈紅酒綠、匆匆來往的人群、復雜的地下鐵系統,而且還刻畫了唐人街的中國移民各色面貌,他們的理想,文化思想的沖突,他們的生活。

Mummers are also very family - oriented in their own way , although they are far more likely to adopt stray scoundrels and lost souls in their journeys than they are to have children of their own to teach 戲子一般也是以他們自己的方式家傳的,盡管他們更喜歡收養流離失所的街頭混混而不是自己生個孩子來教。

Today , lunar month 7 day 15 , is podo , the day for commemorating lost souls with lion dances , dragon dances , feasts , and the release of floating lanterns to guide lost souls 今阿日舊歷七月十五是中元普渡,紀念好兄弟(孤魂)耶節日。有弄獅、弄龍、拜拜、擱有放水燈倘好替孤魂?路。

Rule # 5 : vicious , despicable , or thoroughly disliked persons , gentlemen , and ladies can be project managers . lost souls , procrastinators , and wishy - washy cannot 惡意的、卑鄙的或者你完全討厭的人,男人,女人都可以成為項目經理。神魂顛倒,拖拖拉拉,優柔寡斷的人絕對不行。

There are people that are lost and wanting to commit suicide and there are ministries that are trying to save these lost souls and they need help 你身邊有很多痛苦和饑餓的人,有很多人都迷失了,他們想自殺,教會希望能拯救這些失落的靈魂,他們都需要幫助。

Sweet dreams die well when the 12 - month lease ends comes an unwelcome reminder , the lost souls wake with frightening awareness to the touchline once they think never impossible 新年新氣象,六人揚言一年后要做到定下的目標,誰做不到就食屎,包租婆作證。

Sweet dreams die well when the 12 - month lease ends comes an unwelcome reminder , the lost souls wake with frightening awareness to touchline once they think never impossible 新年新氣象,六人揚言一年后要做到定下的目標,誰做不到就食屎,包租婆作證。

We may not know it , but somehow , somewhere , master is always there working in mysterious and wonderful ways , to locate “ lost souls “ and show them the way back home 我們或許不知道,然而師父總是以最神妙的方式,來找尋失落的靈魂,指引他們回家!

Athena : with the box , many things become possible , and so it is hidden well , far across the desert of lost souls 雅典娜: “擁有這魔盒,諸事皆有可能,它被隱藏得如此之深,除非穿越這失魂沙漠。 ”

Like lost souls in a city of fallen angels , the cop , the private detective , and the killer are doing what they must 周淑珍性命危殆,但劉正熙再一次計算錯誤,他沒算過自己對周淑珍付出了真感情。

“ oh ! ” both of them cried out immediately , and the lost souls and senses come back to their body at the same time ( “噢! ”兩個人同時大叫了起來,失去的魂魄和感覺立刻都回到了身上。 )

We ' re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl , year after year , running over the same old ground 我們就像兩個孤獨的靈魂在一個金魚缸里游泳,一年又一年,奔跑在陳舊的大陸上。